Wednesday, January 26, 2011

What's it like to be part of a CSA?

I thought it would be fun just to write about why I love being a part of a CSA program.  Sometimes I think people believe it's going to be too much work to figure out what to do with the veggies and fruits in the box or that it's more expensive than going to the store.  Yes it does take some getting used to cooking with what you have but what I've found is that it forces me out of my comfort zone and I explore more cookbooks and recipes.  There's even an app for your iphone and ipad from Real Simple where you can plug in the ingredients you have on hand and how much time you have to cook and it will give you recipes.  I mean you can't get much easier than that.  So if your pantry and fridge are stocked with some basics - pasta, breadcrumbs, rice, chicken or veggie broth, olive oil, vinegars, beans, canned tomatoes, parm. cheese, feta cheese, milk then you can make just about anything.  So for me being a part of a CSA is just fun!  I get to be creative and I know that the food I am eating was just picked within 24hrs.  This may not seem like a big deal but most of the nutrition content of food is gone within a few days of being picked.  So how much nutrition is left in that apple that's been sitting on the grocery shelf and before that in the back room and before that on a refrigerated truck and before that in the cold storage of a warehouse? 

You can taste the difference that the freshness makes...just ask your kids.  Do an experiment...get carrots, apples, celery, and lettuce from the store and then do a side-by-side blind taste test and see what they choose...then ask them why they chose it.   Kids have no biasis and are open books - they will tell you the harsh truth.  I am curious, let me know how your experiments go.  I will do the same and get back to you!

Another reason I really love being a part of a CSA is that I know where my food comes from, I can meet and have a conversation with the people that grow the food we eat.   That's awesome!  That connection alone makes a huge difference in how I prepare, eat, and enjoy my food.   Having a connection with your food growers is an amazing gift!  If you haven't already done so give your farm a call or send them a message to let them know how much you love your produce box and what you've made with it.  Nothing makes them happier than to know you love their food as much as they do! 

I came across this little 5 minute video on you-tube about what it meanst to be part of a CSA....hope you enjoy!

Create a delicious life for you and your family!

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